Hiện nay, tìm kiếm việc làm trong nhiều ngành nghề có độ cạnh tranh khá cao. Vì vậy, không ít người tìm việc đã tạo ra những bộ sơ yếu lí lịch độc đáo cho mình hòng ghi điểm trong mắt nhà tuyển dụng. Điều này không chỉ có trong các ngành sáng tạo như thiết kế đồ họa mà còn xuất hiện ở nhiều ngành, lĩnh vực khác. Sau đây là một số mẫu đã được Grey Ants lượm lặt.
Currently, finding a job in various industries is rather competitive. So many job-seekers have created the unique resumes to score points in the eyes of employers. This is not only in the creative industries such as graphic design but also appears in many other sectors and fields. Here are some impressive samples that Grey Ants have collected.
GREY ANTS DESIGN - freelance group
377/27D Cach Mang Thang 8 Street, District 10, HCM City, Vietnam
Email: greyants.design@gmail.com
Skype: greyants.design
Blog: http://greyantsdesign.blogspot.com/
Currently, finding a job in various industries is rather competitive. So many job-seekers have created the unique resumes to score points in the eyes of employers. This is not only in the creative industries such as graphic design but also appears in many other sectors and fields. Here are some impressive samples that Grey Ants have collected.

GREY ANTS DESIGN - freelance group
377/27D Cach Mang Thang 8 Street, District 10, HCM City, Vietnam
Email: greyants.design@gmail.com
Skype: greyants.design
Blog: http://greyantsdesign.blogspot.com/
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